Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sony Ericsson "Twiggy" seems to leak into the wild

href="http://www.esato.com/">src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_xAKFjBMEg-Q/SlOYxam4vaI/AAAAAAAAAHU/ZvG7hrMLxks/jpg1A85.png" />

Sony Ericsson has a world-renowned reputation for being unable to
keep a lid on its stuff, and the trend appears to be continuing
with the "Twiggy" -- a
phone that seems destined to replace the aging W350. This bad
boy was actually first spotted way back in March -- curiously
leaked in Sony Ericsson's own marketing materials, no less -- but
this time around it looks like we have a unit somewhere out there
in the real wild ("IRL" as those particularly internet-savvy folks
out there might say). No word on specs just yet; regardless,
though, we're just pleased to see that the company appears to still
be committed to this niche form factor most manufacturers won't
touch with a ten-foot pole.

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