Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sony Ericsson's XPERIA X2 demoed on video

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You know what frustrates us? Someone with their hands on a totally
sweet piece of gadgetry who clearly doesn't know what to do with
it. Such is the case in the video below, which seems to depict a
gentlemen fondling sony Ericsson's next XPERIA installment,
the X2. While there's
not much to see of the device itself, the phone is apparently
running a fairly recent version of Windows Mobile
6.5, and the company has clearly taken its skinning team to
parts of the OS, as the user in the video manages to stumble past
some pretty magnificent looking UI trickery. It doesn't seem as
dressed up as the X1's Panel interface does, though this likely
isn't the final product. Truck on after the break to see the X2 in
action, and try to quell your anger as the phone is repeatedly put
to sleep during the demo.

[Thanks, David]

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sony Ericsson "Twiggy" seems to leak into the wild

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Sony Ericsson has a world-renowned reputation for being unable to
keep a lid on its stuff, and the trend appears to be continuing
with the "Twiggy" -- a
phone that seems destined to replace the aging W350. This bad
boy was actually first spotted way back in March -- curiously
leaked in Sony Ericsson's own marketing materials, no less -- but
this time around it looks like we have a unit somewhere out there
in the real wild ("IRL" as those particularly internet-savvy folks
out there might say). No word on specs just yet; regardless,
though, we're just pleased to see that the company appears to still
be committed to this niche form factor most manufacturers won't
touch with a ten-foot pole.