Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sony Ericsson 'Jalou' next in company's Symbian lineup? (Update: maybe, but this isn't it)

src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_xAKFjBMEg-Q/SoGQ85EelMI/AAAAAAAAAIA/Tkh8BNlWgNw/png64A.png" />

We've yet to see a Satio or XPERIA
X2 or X3 at retail, but
it looks like Sony Ericsson have yet another full touch phone in
the works as it tries to revitalize and reinvent itself with a
renewed focus on Android, Symbian Foundation, and Windows Mobile
for its smartphone lineup. What we're looking at here is claimed to
be a spy shot of the Jalou -- that's a retail name, not a codename,
by the way -- which is said to run S60 5th Edition (just like the
Satio) with WiFi, GPS, and some form of HSDPA on board. The Sony
Ericsson fan base is pretty notorious for crafting beautiful, very
believable concept devices using nothing more than Illustrator and
an overactive imagination, so we'd urge caution here -- but other
than a display that seems to have been blacked out, it all seems
believable enough. The bigger question might be whether the world's
ready for two Symbian-based touchscreen smartphones from
Sony Ericsson in the next few months.

Update: Yep, sure enough, that "notorious fan
base" we just mentioned came out swinging with href="http://www.esato.com/board/viewtopic.php?topic=177537&start=5385">
this one, a heavily-modified concept based on the W995. In other
words, if the Jalou exists, this isn't it. Thanks, synn!

Sony Ericsson 'Jalou' next in company's Symbian lineup? (Update: maybe, but this isn't it)

src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_xAKFjBMEg-Q/SoGQ3UQ_4GI/AAAAAAAAAH8/azL9V6eHnJ4/jpg63C.png" />

We've yet to see a Satio or XPERIA
X2 or X3 at retail, but
it looks like Sony Ericsson have yet another full touch phone in
the works as it tries to revitalize and reinvent itself with a
renewed focus on Android, Symbian Foundation, and Windows Mobile
for its smartphone lineup. What we're looking at here is claimed to
be a spy shot of the Jalou -- that's a retail name, not a codename,
by the way -- which is said to run S60 5th Edition (just like the
Satio) with WiFi, GPS, and some form of HSDPA on board. The Sony
Ericsson fan base is pretty notorious for crafting beautiful, very
believable concept devices using nothing more than Illustrator and
an overactive imagination, so we'd urge caution here -- but other
than a display that seems to have been blacked out, it all seems
believable enough. The bigger question might be whether the world's
ready for two Symbian-based touchscreen smartphones from
Sony Ericsson in the next few months.

Update: Yep, sure enough, that "notorious fan
base" we just mentioned came out swinging with href="http://www.esato.com/board/viewtopic.php?topic=177537&start=5385">
this one, a heavily-modified concept based on the W995. In other
words, if the Jalou exists, this isn't it. Thanks, synn!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sony Ericsson's XPERIA X2 demoed on video

href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs4OWMQ4NMw">src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_xAKFjBMEg-Q/SnDI-ZwhwjI/AAAAAAAAAH4/HdiofpYQqu4/jpg20F5.png" />

You know what frustrates us? Someone with their hands on a totally
sweet piece of gadgetry who clearly doesn't know what to do with
it. Such is the case in the video below, which seems to depict a
gentlemen fondling sony Ericsson's next XPERIA installment,
the X2. While there's
not much to see of the device itself, the phone is apparently
running a fairly recent version of Windows Mobile
6.5, and the company has clearly taken its skinning team to
parts of the OS, as the user in the video manages to stumble past
some pretty magnificent looking UI trickery. It doesn't seem as
dressed up as the X1's Panel interface does, though this likely
isn't the final product. Truck on after the break to see the X2 in
action, and try to quell your anger as the phone is repeatedly put
to sleep during the demo.

[Thanks, David]

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sony Ericsson "Twiggy" seems to leak into the wild

href="http://www.esato.com/">src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_xAKFjBMEg-Q/SlOYxam4vaI/AAAAAAAAAHU/ZvG7hrMLxks/jpg1A85.png" />

Sony Ericsson has a world-renowned reputation for being unable to
keep a lid on its stuff, and the trend appears to be continuing
with the "Twiggy" -- a
phone that seems destined to replace the aging W350. This bad
boy was actually first spotted way back in March -- curiously
leaked in Sony Ericsson's own marketing materials, no less -- but
this time around it looks like we have a unit somewhere out there
in the real wild ("IRL" as those particularly internet-savvy folks
out there might say). No word on specs just yet; regardless,
though, we're just pleased to see that the company appears to still
be committed to this niche form factor most manufacturers won't
touch with a ten-foot pole.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sony Ericsson intros T715 slider, VH310 Bluetooth headset

src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_xAKFjBMEg-Q/Skc1rVQzMSI/AAAAAAAAAFI/kZ_x5iK6dSw/jpg686.png" />

Sony Ericsson's pushing its Walkman and Cyber-shot sub-brands
harder than ever these days, but there's still plenty of good stuff
in the regular range, too -- take this T715, for example. The newly
announced slider features a 3.2 megapixel camera with "photo light"
(don't call it a flash), sunlight-viewable 2.2-inch QVGA display,
3G, an impressive claimed 20 days of standby time, and a compact
shell -- SE says it's the size of a credit card when closed.
Launched alongside the T715 is the VH310 headset, available in your
choice of silver or black with three different earpieces and two
loops to fit your screwed-up head perfectly. Look for the phone to
launch in Galaxy Silver and Rouge Pink (isn't that a
contradiction?) in the third quarter -- and yes, both global and
North American 3G versions will be available.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sony Ericsson launching something at ComunicAsia this week -- XPERIA X2, maybe?

Nokia certainly took its launch lineup seriously ahead of CommunicAsia's grand opening in Singapore this week with the launch of the 5530 XpressMusic and E72, and considering that, we're willing to bet that Sony ericsson would want to make a similarly big splash when it holds its press conference on Wednesday -- but what could it be? The Satio and Aino are already out there, so it seems like the odds-on favorite for announcement here would have to be the well-leaked XPERIA X2. If the leaks turn out to be spot-on accurate, we're definitely not sold that the phone's any better-looking than the X1 it replaces, but then again, it'd be awfully hard to argue with an 8.1 megapixel cam and OLED display running Windows Mobile 6.5, even if you're not a WinMo kinda person. The action kicks off at 4:30PM Singapore time, which works out to a torturous 4:30AM for you New Yorkers -- so just how badly do you want to see it possibly unveiled, eh? And more importantly, how peeved will you be if it isn't?

Sony Ericsson X1 upgrade pricing on Rogers: $499.99?

src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_xAKFjBMEg-Q/SjkI0PybD3I/AAAAAAAAAFA/f-QEPnvMHRs/jpg615.png" />

We figure that the Sony Ericsson X1 is destined for
Rogers any day now -- just around the same time that we suspect the
X2 will be
announced, ironically -- and now we're starting to get an idea on
pricing. A tipster writes in to tell us that this CAD $499.99
you're seeing here is for an upgrade customer with no data plan,
which would be crazy high for a new lad coming in off the street
and signing up for a three-year deal, we hope, but it gives us a
good picture of what current customers might have to gear up for.
Excessive, perhaps -- but then again, some of us will go to the
ends of the Earth for WVGA.

[Thanks, cell143]

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sony Ericsson W518a for AT&T gets FCC blessing

Yep, that rumored W508a remix with AGPS is real -- the FCC says so. No word on pricing or availability for the W518a, of course, but we're heartened to see that another decent midrange sony Ericsson with HSDPA is on its way to AT&T; now all we need is the C905 and we'll be all set. Expect a 3.2 megapixel cam, the full range of Bluetooth profiles, external music controls, and if we had to guess, a pretty hot sticker price on contract.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Orange getting in on Foxconn-sourced Android phones from Sony Ericsson?

You might recall that Orange was already rumored to be on board for some Android action from Sony ericsson this year, and a new report out of the always-accurate DigiTimes (we kid, we kid) would certainly seem to corroborate that. Specifically, the publication says that Sony Ericsson is eyeing Foxconn to produce its Android sets, which is convenient considering that the company was recently rumored to be moving away from HTC for its WinMo devices -- and in light of that, it's entirely plausible that Foxconn could be landing a whole bunch of contracts from these guys. The rumor goes on to say that Orange expects to jointly launch an Android device (or devices, plural) with Sony Ericsson in time for the holidays this year, and if the Idou is anything to go by, we're interested to see what sort of hardware they can pump out with this deal.

Move over, CS8: Sony Ericsson W995 gets FCC approval, too

With the CS8 and an AT&T-bound version of the C905 seemingly around the corner, we're not sure why you'd get too amped for this thing -- but alas, the Walkman-branded, 8.1 megapixel Sony ericsson W995 has passed the FCC with flying marks. Interestingly, the version seen here isn't the HSPA 850 / 1800 / 1900 W995a that'll presumably see North American action; we know this because WCDMA wasn't even tested in the labs here. Instead, we're just seeing EDGE 850 / 1900 like we'd expect of any quadband set -- though there's mention in the report that the device is HSDPA / HSUPA capable, so we imagine it's rocking exclusively European bands. Talk about a buzzkill, eh, yankees?

Ericsson ready to shell out heroic Sony Ericsson cash infusion if necessary

Hot on the heels of a dismal quarter, half of Sony Ericsson's gene pool -- Ericsson -- swooped in with reassuring news (well, somewhat reassuring, anyhow). CEO Carl-Henric Svanberg mentioned before Ericsson's annual meeting this week that his company is ready and willing to pour cash into the joint venture "if necessary," which would certainly seem to put some additional weight behind words from SE marketing manager Richard Dorman that there's no schism forming between the parental giants. Amusingly, the reason for Svanberg's commitment seems to be that the company views Sony Ericsson as its connection to end users, which gives them a better sense of how to tweak its bread-and-butter offerings -- infrastructure. That's right, Sony Ericsson, you're just a pawn in Ericsson's multibillion-dollar game; how does that make you feel?

Sony Ericsson CS8 passes FCC, looking T-Mobile bound

If you were looking for a C905 with just a little dash of AWS 3G thrown in, look no further than this little gem. The so-called CS8 breaks from sony Ericsson's traditional model naming convention, but they could call this thing the Behold 2 if they wanted to -- all we care is that we're getting access to an 8.1 megapixel slider with myFaves (you can clearly see the myFaves logo plastered on the back of the user manual's diagrams, and yes, it's that important). It also sports Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS, and our undying love and affection, so we hope to see you soon, dearest Cyber-shot.

Sony Ericsson CS8 passes FCC, looking T-Mobile bound

If you were looking for a C905 with just a little dash of AWS 3G thrown in, look no further than this little gem. The so-called CS8 breaks from sony Ericsson's traditional model naming convention, but they could call this thing the Behold 2 if they wanted to -- all we care is that we're getting access to an 8.1 megapixel slider with myFaves (you can clearly see the myFaves logo plastered on the back of the user manual's diagrams, and yes, it's that important). It also sports Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS, and our undying love and affection, so we hope to see you soon, dearest Cyber-shot.

Sony Ericsson CS8 passes FCC, looking T-Mobile bound

If you were looking for a C905 with just a little dash of AWS 3G thrown in, look no further than this little gem. The so-called CS8 breaks from sony Ericsson's traditional model naming convention, but they could call this thing the Behold 2 if they wanted to -- all we care is that we're getting access to an 8.1 megapixel slider with myFaves (you can clearly see the myFaves logo plastered on the back of the user manual's diagrams, and yes, it's that important). It also sports Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS, and our undying love and affection, so we hope to see you soon, dearest Cyber-shot.

Sony Ericsson CS8 passes FCC, looking T-Mobile bound

If you were looking for a C905 with just a little dash of AWS 3G thrown in, look no further than this little gem. The so-called CS8 breaks from sony Ericsson's traditional model naming convention, but they could call this thing the Behold 2 if they wanted to -- all we care is that we're getting access to an 8.1 megapixel slider with myFaves (you can clearly see the myFaves logo plastered on the back of the user manual's diagrams, and yes, it's that important). It also sports Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS, and our undying love and affection, so we hope to see you soon, dearest Cyber-shot.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sony Ericsson Idou, now in silver?

So far, we've only seen the Idou in black, but Sony Ericsson does like to play with the palette -- and sure enough, we're now seeing a shot of a silver model for the first time. SEMC Blog doesn't know whether this is a canceled or to-be-announced version, but like everyone, we're hoping it's the latter.

Sony Ericsson's T707 photographed in the wild

Ah, the natural progression of a handset. Rumor? Check. Official launch? Check. In the wild spottings? As of now, check! Sony Ericsson's recently outed T707 flip phone has already been acquired and photographed over at DailyMobile, and while there's nothing here out of the ordinary, it's still a must-see for any SE enthusiast. Check the gallery in the read link below.
[Thanks, Daniel]

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ericsson reaffirms commitment to Sony Ericsson joint venture

Given the current state of sony Ericsson, we completely understand the re-heating of rumors regarding a nasty breakup. That said, a new report from Dow Jones confirms that Ericsson (at least) has "has no plans to abandon its joint venture Sony Ericsson," with spokesperson Minako Nakatsuma Olofzon stating that "[Ericsson is] committed to the joint venture; it hasn't changed its view on that." Of course, the report makes no mention of Sony's take on all of this, but at least one half of the equation is still in it for the long haul. Publicly, anyway.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sony Ericsson's MS-410 speaker comes to light

For whatever reason, Sony ericsson has a longstanding tradition of making accessory loudspeakers to go with its phones, but the latest isn't the most interesting of the bunch -- not by a long shot. The MS-410, as it'll apparently be known, has been caught doing its thing in the wild paired with a W995, and it looks like there's some sort of stand or mount to keep the whole package steady -- perfect for watching the mobile boob tube. SEMC Blog claims it'll be announced soon -- CTIA, perhaps?

Sony Ericsson's MS-410 speaker comes to light

For whatever reason, Sony ericsson has a longstanding tradition of making accessory loudspeakers to go with its phones, but the latest isn't the most interesting of the bunch -- not by a long shot. The MS-410, as it'll apparently be known, has been caught doing its thing in the wild paired with a W995, and it looks like there's some sort of stand or mount to keep the whole package steady -- perfect for watching the mobile boob tube. SEMC Blog claims it'll be announced soon -- CTIA, perhaps?

Sony Ericsson's MS-410 speaker comes to light

For whatever reason, Sony ericsson has a longstanding tradition of making accessory loudspeakers to go with its phones, but the latest isn't the most interesting of the bunch -- not by a long shot. The MS-410, as it'll apparently be known, has been caught doing its thing in the wild paired with a W995, and it looks like there's some sort of stand or mount to keep the whole package steady -- perfect for watching the mobile boob tube. SEMC Blog claims it'll be announced soon -- CTIA, perhaps?

Sony Ericsson's MS-410 speaker comes to light

For whatever reason, Sony ericsson has a longstanding tradition of making accessory loudspeakers to go with its phones, but the latest isn't the most interesting of the bunch -- not by a long shot. The MS-410, as it'll apparently be known, has been caught doing its thing in the wild paired with a W995, and it looks like there's some sort of stand or mount to keep the whole package steady -- perfect for watching the mobile boob tube. SEMC Blog claims it'll be announced soon -- CTIA, perhaps?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sony Ericsson outs CNN, Skype, Mytopia panels for XPERIA X1

Sony Ericsson's Panels interface hasn't taken off the way HTC's TouchFLO 3D has, but it's still a nice way to momentarily forget that you're being forced to use windows Mobile 6.1. At any rate, those who plunked down some eight bills to procure an XPERIA X1 should probably give this a look, as SE has just unveiled the latest Panels for its first (and likely last) HTC-designed smartphone. Available starting in mid-March, users will be able to suck down CNN, Skype, Mytopia and 'On the Road' Panels. For specific details on what each will provide, you know where to head.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sony Ericsson Idou hands-on and video walkthrough

Sony ericsson launched its 12.1 megapixel Idou at Mobile World Congress yesterday evening, and while not a finished device, we checked it out anyway. The Idou will eventually roll with the Symbian Foundation's OS, but the version we're seeing here is somewhere in between. The resistive touchscreen (essentially the same as found on the XpressMusic 5800) is immense, glossy, and already brilliant. The transitions and sweeping gestures (check them in the vid) are really responsive and quick, with no real lag. We checked it against its nearest neighbor in the C905 and it is slim in comparison. Top notch stuff, we are anxiously waiting for more. Video and gallery follow.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sony Ericsson W995 video hands-on

So it's not totally clear to us why you'd wait for this thing over a C905 that you could buy today, but once again, that's the confusion behind sony Ericsson's Cyber-shot / Walkman branding that they're claiming they hope to clear up going forward -- it's just that the W995 isn't really a step in that direction, and we weren't huge fans of the chicklet-sized nav keys up front. That being said, it seems like a fine phone overall -- the display looks crisp and vivid, the interface was relatively snappy, and there's little to complain about having an 8.1 megapixel autofocus cam at your disposal. Click on for a quick shot at the UI in action!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sony Ericsson's Cyber-shot C903 spotted in all three colors

Sony Ericsson's no longer playing hide-and-seek with its Cyber-shot C903, but we're still pretty stoked to see a few in the wild shots prior to mobile World Congress. pictured above (and in the read link) are all three flavors of SE's forthcoming slider, though it should be noted that these are likely pre-production units. Still, aside from a few minor changes on the real deal (the omission of a front camera, for instance), everything else is there. Is that mouth of yours watering yet?

  • Sony ericsson 's W395 Walkman and C903 Cybershot bring more of the same
  • sony Ericsson set to launch Hikaru at MWC?

Sony Ericsson mulling production of TD-SCDMA handsets?

Take this one for what it's worth (which ain't much at the moment), but DigiTimes has it that Sony Ericsson is considering producing TD-SCDMA handsets for entry into Chinese markets. Granted, you can already find yourself a few SE knockoffs in that section of the globe, but we're guessing the company is looking to actually profit off of the phones sold in the aforementioned nation. We're told that Carl-Henric Svanberg, president and CEO of Ericsson, has indicated that T3G technology could be tapped to provide the TD-SCDMA solutions, and given that China will soon have gobs of 3G capabilities, the timing here makes sense. Potentially more interesting would be SE's choice of handset for the Chinese market -- will we finally see the company work some low-end magic now that the economy is strained? Give it a shot, SE, it's not like you've really got anything else left to lose.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sony Ericsson's W395 Walkman and C903 Cybershot bring more of the same

In the run-up to Mobile World Congress we've been treated to a windfall of hot new phones and technologies. Then there's Sony Ericsson's W395 Walkman and C903 Cyber-shot. The W395 is a new Walkman slider with built-in stereo speakers meant for the "youth" market, a market that seemingly hates 3G or storage since the quad-band GSM/EDGE device ships with a measly 1GB memory card. It will, however, be affordable and feature a 2 megapixel camera when it ships in Q1. The C903 Cyber-shot slider already spotted around here a few times brings a 5 megapixel autofocus camera with sliding lens cover as we've seen -- give the cover a slide and this cameraphone's ready for duty. The camera features face detection and a Smile Shutter mode that automatically snaps the shutter when a happy face is detected. It also packs a 2.4-inch display, Memory Stick Micro (M2) expansion slot and, get this... it'll even make phone calls. This worldphone rides quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE for 10 hours of talk or 400 hours of standby with UMTS/HSPA 900/2100 (or 850/1900/2100 in the C903a configuration) frequencies bringing the 3G sometime in Q2. Beautiful devices for what they are -- guess we're just spoiled by all the MWC goods expected in Barcelona from RIM, LG, Samsung, Toshiba, Acer, Android, Palm, Microsoft... you get the idea.
Update: Details on a 5 megapixel C901 candybar were also released sans the Cyber-shot branding and any fanfare even though it's similarly spec'd to the C903.

Sony Ericsson set to launch Hikaru at MWC?

Sony ericsson leaked another stellar looking phone today in the form of the slider pictured above, apparently codenamed Hikaru. As with all these early treats, specs are thin, but we do know if has an 8 megapixel camera, 2.6-inch screen, WiFi, AGPS, some type of kickstand -- a la Nokia N96 -- and a 3.5mm headphone jack! Yeah, really, a first in a Walkman set. What else can we tell ya? Nothing, though, we should all know soon enough if this pans out as real and is indeed set for release at Mobile World Congress next week.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Evil WAP Push messages can reboot some Sony Ericsson handsets?

Some modern phones do a pretty good job of rebooting at random on their own without additional assistance from miscreants, but unfortunately, the real world is filled with people who'd like to make your gadgets just a little bit buggier than they already are. Enter this nifty little vulnerability recently discovered to affect a good number of sony Ericsson models, involving a specially crafted WAP Push message carried via SMS that'll instantly restart the phone. That's not the best part, though -- in theory, an attacker could send you a string of these bad boys that would get queued up by your carrier, so the second the phone comes back online, it gets the next message and restarts once again -- potentially leading to a long, painful spell without a usable handset. Apparently, there isn't any known fix for this, so if you're carrying one of the affected models, just stay on the good side of any evil-doers you happen to know for now, okay? Follow the break for a video of the restarts in action (we understand the outgoing calls are just to demonstrate that the attack can be initiated at any time, though we can't say for sure).

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sony Ericsson's BST-33 Li-Polymer batteries swelling into a lawsuit?

We've seen plenty of swollen and exploding batteries 'round here, but this is the first Li-Polymer battery (a technology generally assumed to be more stable and less prone to swelling and fire than Li-Ion) that we can recall ballooning into such a possible danger. Reader Christian sent us these pics of what's normally a 4-mm thick battery (pictured right) inside his W880i handset now swollen to a full 7-mm. The BST-33 sits at the heart of a long list of SE phones, a list we've included after the break along with one more picture. Do let us know if you're seeing similar issues.
List of compatible sony ericsson phones: C702, G502, K530i, K550im, K800i, K810i, M600i, P1i, P990i, W300i, W302, W595, W610i, W660i, W705, W850i, W880i, W950i, W960i, Z320i, Z530i, Z610i, Z750i

Sony Ericsson's F305 gets mauled by Hello Kitty

It's actually tough to tell whether or not this Hello Kitty "inspired" handset is real or fake, but at least Mobile-Review is claiming that the HK-adorned F305 will go on sale in Russia this March. From what we can gather, this is a rather standard F305 outside of the flamboyant exterior, boasting a two megapixel camera, M2 card slot, Motion Gaming and a ringer that only knows how to meow. We've no clue how costly this little beauty will be, but you can go ahead and bank on the fact that you'll be buying one for the Cosmo Girl in your life.

  • sony Ericsson's T700 gets dressed in two exciting new colors
  • Sony ericsson 's XPERIA X1 gets firmware update

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sony Ericsson's XPERIA X1 gets firmware update

XDA-Developers forum member PavelX1 has posted up info on a pile of xperia x1 updates he glimpsed on EMMA (Sony Ericsson's official service software). ROM version has migrated from 1.02.936.3 to 1.03.936.6 and is labeled as R2A. Of course, there's no word on what the official changes are but first reports say the X1 now boots quicker and attaches to network faster. Apparently the SEUS (Sony ericsson Update Service) isn't quite telling the truth when users are attempting to grab at the update, but proceeding through and updating anyway seems to be doing the trick. Usual cautionary advice from us is to read before attacking this as an ounce of precaution is worth a pound of cure.
[Thanks, Deniz]

Sony Ericsson's C903 Frances gives us a rear view, xenon flash?

We got eyes-on with the C903's other side a couple days ago, so it was only fitting that we throw this up to complete the picture. We have to admit, the blurriness threw us briefly because if you squint hard enough, that 5.0 on the backside can sorta come off like an 8. Of course, that's not the case, but the joy here -- if you take joy in this kind of thing, which we know you do -- is what may be a xenon flash lurking in the rear of the C903 Frances' housing. That's it for new-ness, but maybe more news will trickle before the handset's unveiling.

  • ericsson to cut 5,000 jobs
  • sony 's MHS-CM1 and MHS-PM1 Webbie HD cams teach your kids to upload

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ericsson to cut 5,000 jobs

Wireless equipment maker ericsson said Wednesday it will cut 5,000 jobs after a 31 percent drop in fourth-quarter profits year over year. The Swedish company cited a dramatic drop in sales in its handset unit, sony Ericsson, and restructuring charges for the cuts. Overall, net profit fell to $465 million (3.9 billion kronor) from $672 million (5.6 billion kronor) in the same quarter a year ago. The job cuts represent about 6 percent of the company's 79,000 employees. "It remains...difficult to more precisely predict to what extent consumer telecom spending will be affected and how operators will act," said Carl-Henric Svanberg, CEO of Ericsson. "To date, our infrastructure business is hardly impacted at all, but it would be unreasonable to think that this would be the case also throughout 2009." Still, Ericsson's core equipment business, along with a weaker kronor, helped quarterly revenue increase 23 percent to $8 billion (67 billion kronor) from the same quarter a year ago. The revenue figures beat analyst expectations, sending shares of the equipment maker up more than 10 percent in early European trading. For the year, profits fell 48 percent to $1.3 billion (11.3 billion kronor), while sales grew 11 percent to $25 billion (209 billion kronor).

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sony Ericsson's T700 gets dressed in two exciting new colors

The T700 is one of those handsets we wish sony ericsson had bothered to launch in North America, and now they're just rubbing it in. Well, maybe not with that red and gold abomination, but the all black setup really suits the ultra-thin candybar well -- granted, it strays from the T610 heritage the phone was designed to carry forward, but let's not get hung up on the past, alright? No word on when or where you'll find these, but if you guessed the US, go ahead and dock yourself five points. Actually, on second thought, go read a couple years' worth of Sony ericsson history and come back to us when you're good and ready.

Sony Ericsson gets real with PlayNow Kiosk mobile entertainment service

Sony ericsson is trying just about anything to garner revenue during these less-than-stable economic times, but we just can't imagine this one gaining any sort of traction worth gloating about. Nearly a year to the day after PlayNow Arena broke cover, SE is officially rolling out PlayNow Kiosk in the Asia Pacific region. Put as simply as possible, these kiosks will be situated in over 80 sony ericsson stores in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia (during the first wave of rollouts), and users wielding SE handsets can plug in to browse / download TV shows, games, ringtones and music. Details around exact content choices and pricing are still being kept under wraps, but so long as our favorite EMF tracks is on there, you'll see nothing but smiles from us.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sony's NWZ-1000 Walkman PMP handled on video

It looks like if you want to get a hands-on with Sony's latest Walkman, the touchscreen NWZ-X1000, you've got to do two things: travel to Japan, and seriously glad-hand the product. Despite our efforts in Vegas, the sony crew wouldn't let us snag the player from under its glass housing, but the Stuff team gets to toy with the OLED-faced PMP in this video. From the looks of things, sony is at pains to recreate something akin to Cover Flow, but the rest of the UI looks sadly like a whole bunch of Windows CE-based devices we see coming out of Asia on a daily basis. Of course, this might be an early iteration of the interface, so we'll hold our final judgments till we get a thorough hands-on with the PMP. The player is set to come in 16GB and 32GB iterations, and will launch sometime this Summer. For now, enjoy the video after the break.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sony OLED Walkman NWZ-X1000 eyes-on

We've been trying to get a legitimate hands-on with Sony's OLED-infused Walkman since we first caught the device on Wednesday, but security's been super tight in the sony booth and we couldn't distract anyone long enough to unscrew the casing. So we can't get an actual hands-on with the Walkman, but we don't need to touch it to know that the OLED is seriously gorgeous and the UI looks super crisp. Sony's reluctance to pull this out of its casing seems to show the player's not ready for primetime, but we'll keep trying to get something a bit more gratifying.
Update: Engadget Spanish got a video of the device in action, so check after the jump if you wanna see more and learn a little espanol.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-G3 WiFi camera reviewed: wait for generation two

WiFi cameras are far from new -- over the past couple of years, we've seen P&S after P&S arrive with minimal functionality that would allow it to sync pictures with one specific online photo portal (or similar). Sony has stepped up the game for cameras to come with the Cyber-shot DSC-G3, which is the first of its kind to include a web browser for logging into pay-hotspots and uploading to practically any photo sharing site on the web. Popular Science got to handle one for a few weeks, and in the end, they were in love with the idea but hesitant to praise the execution. The T700-turned-wireless took satisfactory pictures, but the browser experience was less than awesome. You can hit the read link for all the dirty details, but unless you're willing to deal with "agonizingly" slow load times, you're probably better off waiting for the next revision. Or for some other company to whip out a bona fide competitor.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sony Ericsson's W715 Walkman is all -- and only -- about Vodafone

Sony Ericsson and Vodafone's W715 Walkman arrived a bit late to the CES party, but we're always happy to talk about a new Sony Ericsson set. The W715 looks to be the twin of the previously announced W705, but with a color change, and a bit of frequency shuffling. Lifting up the hood we see that this new and exclusive to Vodafone slider boasts a 3.2 megapixel camera, Bluetooth, aGPS, WiFi, DLNA certified, 120MB memory, quad-band GSM, and 900 / 2100 HSDPA. Shipping seems set for Q1 2009 and we expect we'll hear something on pricing real soon now.

HTC said to be dipping into Ericsson's silicon for 3.5G chipsets

Digitimes claims that HTC intends to launch a 10-strong mix of WinMo and Android handsets in 2009 -- sounds about right, if we had to guess -- and not all of 'em will be Qualcomm powered. Apparently, HTC's HSPA devices will employ guts from Ericsson's Mobile Platforms group, and as lucrative contracts go, the HTC's chipset contract going into a serious Android year has to be at or near the top. Funny how HTC makes the X1 for Sony Ericsson and Ericsson makes chips for HTC, but business is business, eh?

Sony Ericsson C510 Cyber-shot hands-on

Sony Ericsson, while dwarfed by big brother Sony's launches at the show this year, did at least show a couple sets today. The Cyber-shot C510 will be released in a triple-band GSM single band HSDPA version for Europe, a quad-band GSM triple-band HSDPA, and a triple-band GSM version for China. Feature list includes a 3.2 megapixel camera with autofocus, Smile Shutter technology that detects a smile a immediately grabs the shot, Snapfish, and YouTube for quick video uploads. The C510 has a seriously sturdy feel to it, button feedback is good, and it balances in-hand comfortably. We'll do our level best to hunt down some info on pricing and release date, but, no promises.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sony's MHS-CM1 and MHS-PM1 Webbie HD cams teach your kids to upload

Tired of seeing your child come home from school in tears, only to find that all the cool cats in the playground were telling him / her to get a real pocket camcorder if they wanted to join the clique? Never fear, as Sony has just introduced two new Webbie HD cameras for giving your youngsters the chance to capture spontaneous moments in glorious high-def. The MHS-CM1 and MHS-PM1 both grab live action video in 1,440 x 1,080/30p and take stills at 5 megapixels; uploading the MP4 results are said to be a snap thanks to the embedded software that handles most of the hard work. They're available in two designs and three "stylish" colors (eggplant, orange and silver), and while the CM1 (available now for $200) gets gifted with a 2.5-inch swivel LCD and a 5x optical zoom, the four-ounce PM1 (ships in April for $170) goes screenless and sticks to a 4x digital zoom.

Sony Ericsson W508 Walkman hands-on

Also on-hand -- and in -- tonight was Sony Ericsson's newest Walkman set, the W508. This clamshell, which is a bit of a departure for Walkman devices, features quad-band GSM and single-band HSDPA, and a W508a variant that has quad-band GSM and triple-band HSDPA for our shores. Other notables include a 3.2 megapixel camera, Bluetooth, video calling, and Exchange Activesync for some enterprise mail access. Engadget Mobile has a gallery up, so feel free to wander over and browse.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sony Ericsson C905 gets reviewed -- all 8.1 megapixels of it

When you're reviewing a phone dominated by an unusually weighty image sensor that dominates the spec sheet, you can bet that cam is going to get an extra-thorough rundown. MobileBurn put Sony Ericsson's beastly C905 slider through its paces, and as you might expect, it produced some pretty awesome pictures -- as cellphones go, at least -- with a full-featured camera interface that seems to throw some validity behind the handset's Cyber-shot branding. There was some weirdness with vivid colors that seemed to be a fault of the review unit, and the geotagging functionality didn't really work, but if you just want to produce decent images that you can blow up and plaster to a dorm wall, this sucker should do the trick. A xenon flash, HSDPA, and serviceable signal and sound quality all conspire to make it a workable choice dubbed "Highly Recomended" by the site. Alright, yeah, count us in.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

UIQ out of money, liquidation imminent

The writing's been on the wall for most of 2008, but it's now very, very official: UIQ is dead. The company's parents are unwilling (and / or unable) to pump any additional money into the failing software outfit, and considering that S60 has inherited the throne within the Symbian Foundation, Sony Ericsson and Motorola have abandoned the platform, and all of its employees have been warned of impending layoffs, there's really nothing left for UIQ to do than sell off its assets piecemeal to the highest bidders. We'd still give our right arm for a shot at a Paris, and with this fire sale coming on at UIQ HQ, who knows -- we might just have that shot after all.

Sony Ericsson's C510 Kate caught lookin' fly on camera

Pardon us a second while we fan away some of this sweat, but Sony Ericsson's C510 Kate is looking mighty, mighty fine. DailyMobile has graciously hosted up a gaggle of hands-on images, and we're not sure if it's the brushed aluminum or the brushed aluminum, but something about this thing definitely has a hold on us. Swoon over the images yourself -- they're waiting for ya right there in the read link.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Sony Ericsson W595 headed to Europe in Sandy Gold hue

If you're looking to sprinkle just a pinch of Mr. T into your life, there's hardly a better way than to pick up Sony Ericsson's forthcoming Sandy Gold W595. Reportedly, the only thing changing is the color, and Europeans enamored by that can get their jollies next February.